The BIM Workbench imports tools from the Draft Workbench, as it uses its 2D objects to build 3D parametric objects. But it can also use solid shapes created with other workbenches like Part and PartDesign.
Los desarrolladores de Draft, Arch y BIM también colaboran con la gran OSArch community, con el objetivo final de mejorar el diseño de los edificios mediante el uso de software totalmente libre.
Cómo empezar
Al iniciar el ambiente de trabajo BIM por primera vez, se muestra un cuadro de diálogo de bienvenida que ofrece una rápida visión general de cómo funciona el banco de trabajo y permite al usuario iniciar un tutorial dentro del juego. El diálogo de bienvenida también está disponible en el menú ayuda. Cuando la pantalla de bienvenida se cierra haciendo clic en OK, se mostrará el diálogo Configuración BIM, que permite al usuario configurar rápidamente algunas de las preferencias más comunes de FreeCAD relacionadas con BIM sin necesidad de navegar por las páginas completas de preferencias de FreeCAD.
La herramienta Configuración del proyecto BIM le permite configurar rápidamente un proyecto BIM rellenando algunos datos básicos sobre su proyecto. A continuación, puede utilizar, por ejemplo, las diferentes herramientas de dibujo 2D para trazar directrices y líneas de base, y luego utilizar las diferentes herramientas de modelado 3D para construir automáticamente objetos BIM 3D a partir de ellos. Una línea, por ejemplo, puede convertirse en un muro simplemente seleccionándola y pulsando el botón Muro.
Common building elements such as walls or columns are easily created by pressing the appropriate toolbar button and clicking points in the 3D view. They can be moved, rotated and edited once created. Most BIM elements are created on the current working plane, so a typical workflow involves placing the working plane first, then creating a BIM element. More complex elements can be created by drawing 2D elements first, then using one of the BIM tools to convert them into the desired element.
Elements of building projects can be organized using sites, buildings and levels, to reproduce what is commonly done in other BIM applications. In FreeCAD, however, such structures are not mandatory, and you are free to organize your model elements as you see fit, for example using groups.
2D drawings can be generated from a model to represent plan, section or elevation views. To generate such a drawing,section planes are placed in the model, to indicate where it should be cut or viewed from. Once the section planes are in place, two methods are possible:
Create projected views in the document using shape views, then add all the necessary annotations such as texts and dimensions, then put all this on a page. This is the recommended way, as it offers more flexibility.
Create a view on a page directly from the section plane. Then all the needed 2D annotations must either be added to the section plane, or done directly on the page. This is less flexible.
Finally, quantities schedules can be created using the schedule tool.
The in-game tutorial is an easy way to quickly get on track with the BIM workbench.
The BIM workbench gathers tools from several other FreeCAD workbenches, mainly Draft and Part, roughly reorganized in logical categories.
Además, si se instalan estos addons, las herramientas de Refuerzo (herramientas para barras de refuerzo adicionales), Fijadores (pernos y tornillos), Flamingo/Dodo (herramientas de estructura metálica y tuberías) y Biblioteca de piezas se incluyen automáticamente en el ambiente de trabajo BIM.
El ambiente de trabajo BIM también añade una serie de elementos en la barra de estado de FreeCAD, y un par de elementos del menú contextual', accesibles haciendo clic con el botón derecho en la vista 3D o en la vista de árbol.
2D Elaboración
Los objetos 2D se utilizan habitualmente como ayudas al dibujo, o para dibujar líneas y perfiles base sobre los que construir objetos BIM. También pueden utilizarse para dibujar símbolos y anotaciones en el modelo. Aparte de los bocetos, que utilizan su propio sistema de coordenadas, los objetos 2D se dibujarán en el plano de trabajo actual.
Sketch: Creates a new sketch and enters sketch edit mode. Sketches are advanced 2D objects with constraints support.
Component: Creates a non-parametric Arch component.
External reference: Links objects from another FreeCAD file into the current document.
Anotaciones son objetos de ayuda visual que se pueden colocar dentro de su modelo. Pueden utilizarse para exportar su modelo directamente a un formato 2D como DXF, o reutilizarse al crear vistas 2D de su modelo con el TechDraw ambiente de trabajo.
Text: Creates a 2D text in a document or on a TechDraw page.
Shape from text: Creates a compound shape that represents a text string.
Aligned dimension: Creates a dimension aligned with two points or a selected edge.
Horizontal dimension: Creates an horizontal dimension between two points or from a selected edge.
Vertical dimension: Creates a vertical dimension between two points or from a selected edge.
Leader: Creates a 2-segment polyline with an arrow at its end, to be used as a leader line in conjunction with a Text.
Label: Creates a multi-line text with a 2-segment leader line and an arrow.
Offset: Offsets each segment of a selected object over a given distance, or creates an offset copy of the selected object.
2D Offset...: Constructs a parallel wire at a given distance from the original, or enlarges/shrinks a planar face (parametric version). This is the same tool as Part Offset2D.
Cycle background: Cycles between vertical gradient, radial gradient and simple color background modes. This can be used to toggle between a dark background for modelling and a white background for 2D drawing.
Arch 3Views: Creates top, front and side views from a mesh. Not available in 1.0 and above.
Arch BuildingPart: Creates a building part including selected objects. Not available in 1.0 and above. Use Arch Floor instead.
Arch CloneComponent: Produces Arch Components that are clones of selected Arch objects. Not available in 1.0 and above. Use Draft Clone instead.
Arch CutLine: Cuts an object according to a line. Not available in 1.0 and above. Use Arch CutPlane instead.
Arch MultiMaterial: Creates a multi-material and attributes it to selected objects, if any. Not available in 1.0 and above. Use BIM Material instead.
Arch Project: Creates a project including selected objects. Not available in 1.0 and above. Use BIM Project instead.
Arch SetMaterial: Creates a material and attributes it to selected objects, if any. Not available in 1.0 and above. Use BIM Material instead.
Preferences: General preferences for the BIM Workbench.
Fine tuning: Extra parameters to fine-tune BIM behavior.
Working with IFC
The BIM workbench works natively with Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) files. Native means there is no more translation between the IFC contents and FreeCAD: The IFC contents are directly rendered in FreeCAD, and any change affects the IFC contents directly. Read more on NativeIFC.
If you don't plan to work with others, and have no need for IFC, you can still use the BIM workbench tools and simply ignore anything related to IFC. You can still export your model to IFC anytime.
The old Arch IFC importer is disabled by default in FreeCAD, but still available from Python.
There is also a specific NativeIFC Tutorial that explains the concepts further.